Our BikeStart Team
- Refurbish bikes that have been donated by local people which are then sold through our eBay site.
- Service, Repair and Safety Check bikes
- Deliver bike maintenance training to groups and individuals
All of our Team's work is supervised by a Cytech & Velotech qualified Bike Mechanic
Please buy bikes from us through our eBay site, donate your old bikes, volunteer, book a bike service/safety check or book bike maintenance training. If paying on-site, credit card payments are preferred
Our workshop is open two days a week only - on Mondays and on Thursdays between 10am and 6pm
To get in touch please email bikestart@thesourceforyou.co.uk or call 07596 564428
All surpluses fund the work of The Source Young People's Charity a local inclusive Christian Charity that supports and empowers Young People aged 14-25 years to transform their lives. Please visit www.thesourceforyou.co.uk for more information.
BikeStart is part of The Source Young People's Charity Registered Charity No 1112691 Company No 5639458